Beth Weinstein: What is a Psychedelic Entrepreneur?
The psychedelic renaissance is HERE, and opportunities for psychedelic entrepreneurship are expanding
exponentially. Whether you are a psychotherapist, life coach, embodiment specialist, sound healer,
breathwork instructor, meditation teacher … or working in any one of countless other modalities that are
needed in the psychedelic realm, now is an incredibly potent time to bring forward your medicine as a
psychedelic entrepreneur.
Shiri Godasi: Entrepreneurship & Psychedelic Integration as Social Activism
Psychedelic entrepreneurship is intertwined with our own unique transformational journey and personal vision for the change we want to see in the world. Shiri Godasi, psychedelic integration coach and educator, shares her views on psychedelic integration as activism.
Daniel Shankin of Tam Integration: Psychedelic Integration Truths
What is psychedelic integration and what does it mean to be a psychedelic integration coach? Beth and Daniel Shankin, coach and coach trainer of Mt Tam Integration, dive deep into the joys and challenges of running a business focused on psychedelic integration and supporting people through “psychedelic assisted coaching”.
Tricia Eastman on Psychedelic Initiation & Facilitation
Beth Weinstein speaks to Tricia Eastman shares about becoming a psychedelic medicine
facilitator and the importance of doing both one’s own inner work as well opening up to the spirit
world in order to come to clarity about how to live a life of service and abundance.
Can Psychedelics Heal the Mental Health Crisis and Help You Grow?
A new paradigm of healing is emerging at the intersection of psychedelic medicine and ancestral shamanic healing… Psychedelic medicine has been pushed to the forefront as the new frontier in psychotherapy, a new solution to the global mental health crisis, and a tool for personal growth and development. Psychotherapists might say that its cause is […]
Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose, and Business: Integrating Visionary Experiences Into Conscious Entrepreneurship {Free Summit}
Join the experts now to secure your free spot at the “Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose, and Business” online summit.
4 Life and Business Lessons I Learned from Magic Psilocybin
Recently I was telling a client about some of my most simple yet profound realizations and lessons with sacred psychedelic plant medicines that have stuck with me for years, helping me in my business and my daily life. Many of these realizations came through one of my favorite teachers, 🍄 Sacred Psilocybin 🍄 . Some via large experiences, some very small…
Shaman Sister Sessions: Spiritual Activism and Entrepreneurship Beth Weinstein
The Shaman Sisters are delighted to welcome their sister, Beth Weinstein, for this powerful conversation about Spiritual Activism through Entrepreneurship!
Spiritually Inspired YouTube Show with guest Beth Weinstein
In this episode of “Spiritually Inspired”, Claudiu Murgan speaks with Beth Weinstein, spiritual business coach about sacred plant medicine, psychedelics, personal development, water, the rising Sacred Feminine, and more.
Plant Dieta, Tarantulas, and the Peruvian Jungle: A Lesson in Purpose and Fear
I’m on my way to Peru to spend 10 days doing a traditional ayahuasca plant dieta in the jungle living in an open-air hut exposed to snakes, tarantulas, and other critters that scare the HELL out of me. WHY?