How has your summer been? I just got back from a 12-day trip to Spain and Portugal to celebrate my partner’s birthday… it was so rejuvenating to relax on a beach, and not do much of anything besides eat lots of fresh seafood.
Something I’ve noticed about taking time off as an entrepreneur is the lack of experiencing the “end of vacation anxiety” and “post vacation blues” that I used to get back in my “J-O-B” working for others. You know that feeling you get a few days before vacation ends…? The pit in your stomach when you think of all the work you’re behind on… all the stress thinking about all you have to do… the thoughts of returning back to your boss and long days in an over-air-conditioned, fluorescent light-lit office??
Or the depression you go into the first couple days “back to real life”? Well, I haven’t had that in I don’t know how many years. And I DO NOT MISS IT!
I actually have to force myself NOT to work on vacation, to limit my time online, and I now get super excited to get back to my to-do list! My business doesn’t fall apart when I travel, my clients are served and still getting results, I don’t quit making money and my business keeps growing.
My business has actually has grown more and gotten better the more I’ve taken time off… because I put effective systems into place so that work still gets done, regardless of where I’m at or what I’m doing.
If you learn these systems, you can work from anywhere and take weeks off, too.
Do YOU want to learn how to grow a business while traveling?? Then let’s talk! Book your free 50-minute Breakthrough Call, click the button below.
Apply for your Free 45-Minute Business Breakthrough Call with me here
You can have this. If it’s here for me, it’s here for YOU… we are no different.
Except that I invest into my dreams. I commit to myself. I show up. I take massive leaps into the unknown all the time.
When you make a commitment and invest into yourself and your dreams…. a commitment to leap into the unknown to share yourself, to help others, and show the Universe that you’re ready to go for your dreams and invest into manifesting the life you want, your investment comes back to you.
The Universe supports you when you show it what you’re willing to put on the line.
When you’re ready to face your fears, to step into your power, and be in service to something greater than your old self that’s stuck in fear, scarcity, procrastination, confusion… stuck in stuckness…. the Universe will show up for you. If you show up for it.
I’ve learned to invest in support, face my fears, take big leaps every moment, and to truly trust in each leap. “Leap and then net will appear”.
No more end-of-vacation anxiety. No more post-vacation blues. No more stress or fears. It’s totally worth it….are you committing to getting what you want?
Some pics from Portugal 🙂