Beth Weinstein: 33 Years of Psychedelics + 100 Episodes, Episode 100, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast
Welcome to Episode 100 of Medicine for These Times – The Psychedelic Entrepreneur!
Join Beth Weinstein for a celebration of this amazing milestone and enjoy a deep share about lessons of LOVE she has learned from her life, her business, her work with psychedelics, and through serving her own unique medicine in the form of this podcast.
In this episode, Beth Weinstein shares about…
- Celebrating 100 podcast episodes, 33 years of psychedelic work and (over) 100 ayahuasca ceremonies!
- Her first psychedelic experience at age 14
- Biophilia, “the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings”
- Why certain people are drawn to the path of psychedelics service
- Are psychedelics here to serve a specific purpose at this moment in history?
- The awakening of the human soul as a journey of the heart
- Asking yourself, “Are you on the path of polarization or the path of unity?”
- Who’s to say what’s right or wrong?
- Offering yourself compassion
- Her many different coaching offerings
- Looking back on life and seeing her commitment to the path of the heart since she was a child
- The greatest lesson of 100 episodes? It all comes down to love!
Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources
Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business” ▶:
Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program ▶:
Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs ▶:
Beth’s Instagram ▶:
Beth’s Facebook ▶: &
Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community ▶:
Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources ▶:
Podcast Production & Psychedelic Integration Coaching Recommendation
Seedpod Sound ▶:
Tatiana Irvine ▶ :
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