Aligned Abundance: Creating Abundance from Stuck & Slump

Beth Weinstein: Aligned Abundance: Creating Abundance from Stuck & Slump, Episode 175, Medicine For These Times

How do you create movement or abundance in your business when you’re feeling really down or stuck? In this episode of Medicine For These Times, Beth discusses how you can begin to create abundance and maintain momentum in your business and in your life, even if you are in a slump. After her new workshop called Aligned Abundance: Release Your Money Wounds & Create More Abundance with Integrity and Authenticity, Beth shares insights and practical tips on how to shift energy, break out of ruts, and try out some experimental and playful approaches to rekindle your motivation and inspiration so you can create the life and business that you want.

Episode Highlights

  • ▶ The takeaways from the Aligned Abundance workshop (see below for the link)
  • ▶  Practical ways you can deal with slumps and a lack of motivation
  • ▶  The importance of experimentation and taking action
  • ▶  Beth’s journey of overcoming fear and taking action in her business

Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

▶{Pay What You Wish Masterclass, Exercises & Guide} Aligned Abundance: Release Your Money Wounds & Create More Abundance with Integrity and Authenticity:

▶ Testimonials – Beth Weinstein – business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and psychedelic coaches:

▶ {Client Testimonial} Beth Weinstein Spiritual Business Coaching Program:

Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”:▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program:▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs:▶ Beth’s Instagram:▶ Beth’s Facebook: &▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community:▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources:

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