Emergent Leadership: Surrendering & Expanding Beyond Fear with Zahara Zimring

Zahara Zimring: Emergent Leadership: Surrendering & Expanding Beyond Fear, Episode 187, Medicine for These Times

Zahara Zimring is a Martial Artist turned Liberation Artist, transformational mentor and ceremonialist. She is the creator of The Dojo Initiation, an ecosystem of transformational arenas that shatter limitations while offering safe and emergent spaces for participants (who become family) to expand beyond their edges and embody their highest design while being deeply championed in community.  Once an elite martial artist and Olympic hopeful who ultimately overcame a debilitating spinal fusion, Zahara is passionate about helping others turn trauma into triumph and wounding into warrior wisdom. A practitioner of spiritual psychology, intuitive channeling, and shamanic arts, she has found her purpose in deep study with master plant teachers and creating safe spaces for others to heal, transform fear and remember themselves whole while reclaiming empowerment in all areas of life.

Episode Highlights

▶ Zahara’s introduction to martial arts and how she found her passion inside the dojo

▶ The turning point that catalyzed Zahara’s journey into personal development

▶ What a dojo is and the aspects that make it different from a regular woman’s circle

▶ The strength in vulnerability, and how it deepens authenticity in leadership

▶ The emergent leadership that we need in these times

▶ How to navigate growing pains as a leader and expanding beyond the threshold where fear holds you back

▶ The way that Zahara weaves the wisdom of evolutionary astrology into her work at the dojo

▶ The beauty of aging and the wisdom of our elders

▶ What it is to be human and the journey of soul expansion we go through

▶ The freedom and liberation of letting go of fear and opening yourself up to the possibilities available to you

Zahara Zimring’s Links & Resources

▶ Website: www.thedojoinitiation.com

▶ Instagram: www.instagram.com/zaharazimring

▶Dojo Initiation Instagram: www.instagram.com/thedojoinitiation

▶ Join The Dojo Monthly Gathering on the last Sunday of every month. Type your name and email at the top of the website here www.thedojoinitiation.com to join!

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