Healing and Transformation Through Festivals, Psychedelics & Community with Eamon Armstrong: Episode 34, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast
Eamon is the creator of “Life is a Festival”, a podcast promoting adventure and personal development through the lens of global festival culture, and “The Psychedelic Therapy Podcast” an interview series specifically for psychedelic therapists.
Formerly a professional festival reviewer, Eamon is an enthusiast of personal growth and psychedelic healing. He is an initiate with the Bwiti tradition in Gabon and a psychedelic peer support sitter with MAP’s Zendo Project.
Eamon is also a passionate advocate for men’s work and offers public talks and workshops from mythopoetic men’s work to stand-up comedy on integrating masculinity.
In this episode, Beth and Eamon discuss…
- Following your dreams, and allowing those dreams to change
- Volunteering as a wonderful way to move deeper inside a community
- How participating in festivals can support a journey of self-acceptance
- Festivals as powerful containers for transformational growth
- The Zendo Project, which provides unconditional care to people having difficult experiences with psychedelics in a festival context
- Creating a more ‘psychedelic’ culture that values open-heartedness, diversity, and freedom
- Psychedelics and societal change
- The many paths to becoming a psychedelic healer
Links & Resources
Website: Life is a Festival
IG: https://www.instagram.com/eamonarmstrong/
Podcast: The Psychedelic Therapy Podcast
Article: I Did Psychedelic First Aid at a Festival in Costa Rica
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