Beth Weinstein: Holding Space in Chaos: Serving and Finding Balance in a Grief-Stricken World, Episode 198, Medicine For These Times
In this episode of Medicine for These Times, Beth discusses the challenge of continuing to conduct business and lead effectively in a world seemingly fraught with crises, both environmental and social. The episode delves into the impacts of these global issues on sensitive individuals, particularly those called to leadership roles, and offers strategies for maintaining personal balance amid collective grief. Emphasizing the importance of service, balance, and consciousness, Beth encourages all leaders to channel their sensitivity into positive action while maintaining harmony within themselves and with the world.
Episode Highlights
▶ How crises highlight the growing need for coaches, healers, and other transformation-focused professionals
▶ The harmony of action and introspection as a means to stay grounded and effective
▶ How individual healing processes contribute to collective shifts and environmental restoration
▶ Ways to create a more balanced approach to capitalism and dismantling harmful systems with grace and intentionality
▶ Embracing the extremes of grief and beauty, despair and hope, as part of the human and planetary experience
▶ Practical ways to stay engaged, focused, and impactful even amidst overwhelming global challenges
Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources
Learn more: and get her free trainings:
▶ Clarity to Clients: Start & Grow a Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Psychedelic Business:
▶ Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Business:
▶ Beth’s Coaching Program:
▶ Other Offerings:
▶ Instagram: / bethaweinstein
▶ FB: / & / bethweinsteinbiz
▶ Join the free Psychedelics & Purpose Community: / psychedelicsandsacredmedicines
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