Jonathan “Quest” Brown: Facing Fears, Embracing Healing: A Journey Through Grief, Growth, Showing Up & Sacred Medicines, Episode 200, Medicine for These Times
Jonathan “Quest” Brown is a tech-savvy creative, sacred facilitator, and integration coach. He blends the wisdom of indigenous traditions with holistic modalities, including Reiki, yoga, and somatic approaches, to guide individuals on their transformative journeys. Quest works with sacred medicines such as mushrooms, cacao, and 5-MeO-DMT. As the co-founder of the Three Rivers Psychedelic Society (TRiPS), he is dedicated to educating and supporting the safe use of psychedelics in Pittsburgh, PA. With a background in technology and a passion for creativity, Quest fosters holistic wellness, personal transformation, and innovative solutions within a nurturing community.
Episode Highlights
▶Grief can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation
▶ Experiencing loss can deepen our understanding of life and death
▶ Sacred medicines can aid in processing grief and emotional pain
▶ Integration of spiritual and scientific knowledge is essential in healing
▶ Navigating career transitions can lead to greater clarity and purpose
▶ Community support plays a vital role in personal growth
▶ The journey of healing is often nonlinear and requires patience
▶ Letting go of old stories can lead to personal empowerment
▶ Masculine and feminine energies are both important in healing
▶ Finding balance between different aspects of life is crucial for well-being. Your energy looks so different than a year ago
▶ We have to do the work to let go of the story
▶ People hold on to these patterns for generations
▶ 5-MeO-DMT is a super intense process that requires preparation
▶ Integration is crucial after psychedelic experiences
▶ Comfort with the idea of dying is important when using this medicine
▶ Consistency is key in personal growth and business
▶ Life is a gigantic ceremony that requires ongoing support
▶ Creating a community space for psychedelic discussions is vital
▶ A lifestyle wellness brand can help express authenticity on the healing journey
Jonathan “Quest” Brown’s Links & Resources
▶ Website:
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