Presence Embodied and The Path To Wholeness with Stephanie Canavesio

Stephanie Canavesio: Presence Embodied and The Path To Wholeness with Stephanie Canavesio, Episode 176, Medicine for These Times

Stephanie Canavesio is a psychotherapist who has developed Presence Embodied, an approach that integrates Compassionate Inquiry of Gabor Mate, Contemplative Psychotherapy of Joe Loizzo and Dr. Robert Thurman, and the Micro-dosing protocol of James Fademan.

A former model and yoga teacher, Stephanie decided to devote her life in helping people heal their trauma and disconnection after she experienced healing symptoms of trauma herself. She uses her protocol in 1-1 sessions, group settings, workshops, and retreats.

Stephanie also shares with her husband Giancarlo a passion for regenerative farming. They resource themselves in the nature and silence of Ibiza with their family.

Episode Highlights

▶ The power of meditation and inner work

▶ The addictive behaviors Stephanie had and how they impacted her life

▶ Why pain is our greatest teacher

▶ The role of psychedelics in healing

▶ The importance of integration

▶ The laws of the universe and how the energies around us are mirrored back to us

▶ Embracing authentic aging and the wisdom you gain as you age

▶ The challenges Stephanie faced in her relationship and how she navigated them

▶ The impact of social media and what is happening right now in the medicine world

▶ The power of finding stillness and inner peace

Stephanie Canavesio’s Links & Resources

▶ Website:

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