Psychedelic Mom Michaela Carlin on Family, Awakening & Healing

Michaela Carlin: Psychedelic Mom Michaela Carlin on Family, Awakening, & Healing, Episode 163, Medicine For These Times

Michaela Carlin is a thought leader and healer holding space for deep conversations and transformational ceremonial retreats. She is the host of The Psychedelic Mom Podcast and is dedicated to amplifying voices, tools, and wisdom to support individual and collective awakening and healing.

Michaela is a medicine woman combining therapeutic modalities and ceremonial practices for individuals, couples, families, corporations, and friend groups to heal. She has supported in her transformational work world peace negotiators, global business executives, famous authors, and more.

Psychedelic literally means “soul revealing.” The Psychedelic Mom Podcast is dedicated to the deep exploration of what it means to live a psychedelic life.

Through conversations with leading scientists, authors, and indigenous and courageous humans of all kinds, Michaela Carlin connects others to share personal stories, ancient wisdom, and the latest science and technologies to awaken individuals and create a healing shift in society.

Episode Highlights

▶ When Michaela started to experiment with psychedelics

▶ How psychedelics impacted her relationship with her family

▶ The stigma around psychedelic medicine

▶ The impact of psychedelic medicine on generational trauma

▶ The broader impact of psychedelics on society

▶ The collective healing journey and humanities interconnectedness

▶ Insights to psychedelics and motherhood

▶ The increasing interest in awakening and consciousness

▶ Childhood wounds and shadow work

▶ The power of embracing a more authentic life

Michaela Carlin’s Links & Resources

▶  Website:

▶ Instagram:

▶ YouTube:

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