(Rant!) Psychedelic Wild West, Harm Reduction & Psychedelic Sovereignty

Beth Weinstein: {Rant} Psychedelic Wild West, Harm Reduction and Psychedelic Sovereignty, Episode 171, Medicine For These Times

There’s a lot happening in the psychedelic space that needs to be addressed. Join Beth as she discusses the concept of psychedelic sovereignty and the many challenges in the industry. Beth shares why accountability is needed in this industry and why it’s important that facilitators keep their egos in check. She discusses the role of whistleblowers, the importance of self-work, boundaries, and seeking support. Beth also shares why she believes that one of the paths to navigating the wild west of the psychedelic space is to come deeper into yourself and be your own pillar of light.

Episode Highlights

▶ The wild west of the psychedelic space

▶ The importance of self-accountability and community accountability in the psychedelic medicine space and healing practices.

▶ What Beth refers to as “psychedelic sovereignty” and what it might mean for you

▶ The role of psychedelic facilitators and other psychedelic-informed therapists, healers, coaches.

▶ Transgressions and transference in psychedelic therapy and psychedelic spaces (and in all spaces).

▶ Why it’s important to question everything… especially in today’s world.

▶ Callout and cancel culture in the psychedelic space.

▶ The importance of self-work, having supervision or mentors and having continous support

Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”: https://bethaweinstein.com/psychedelics-in-business/

▶ Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program: https://bethaweinstein.com/mastermind

▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs: https://bethaweinstein.com/services

▶ Beth’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethaweinstein

▶ Beth’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethw.nyc & https://www.facebook.com/BethWeinsteinbiz

▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PsychedelicsandSacredMedicines

▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources: https://bethaweinstein.com/resources

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