Turn Your Calling Into a Reality

with Multi-dimensional, soul-centered spiritual business coaching

Not sure where to start? Download my free training:

This training will help you get clarity on your path, get clients, and grow a transformational coaching, healing or psychedelic business you love:

When you sign up, you’ll also receive free tips on building a spiritual or psychedelic business.

Hi, I’m Beth.

If you dream of having a purpose-based, spiritual business and embracing a life of freedom, fulfillment and fun, I offer a unique, multi-dimensional approach…

I’m a spiritual business coach helping newer and aspiring psychedelic pioneers, coaches, healers, therapists, spiritual teachers, and similar transformational leaders align with your purpose and grow your business so you make your living doing what you love while making a difference in the world.

If you dream of having a purpose-based, spiritual business and embracing a life of freedom, fulfillment and fun, I offer a unique, multi-dimensional approach.

Ready to get started? Choose your True Path

1:1 Private Coaching

Accelerate your business, income, leadership, and soul expansion within a transformational 1-1 Private container.

You get private coaching, along with 1-1 guidance in applied metaphysics, somatic embodiment and energetic support…in addition to heart-centered business action plans, mindset transformation, and soul guidance tailored for exactly where you’re at in your business and life.

12-Month Group Coaching Mastermind Program

Inside The True Path Entrepreneur 12-month Group Business Coaching & Mastermind Program, you’ll build a solid foundation for your business, learn to grow your business so you have long-term, sustainable income and create a soul-based business that truly supports you and the life you desire, alongside other high-vibe spiritual entrepreneurs & psychedelic pioneers like you.

Self-Paced Online Courses & Trainings

Explore our collection of courses and trainings that will help you grow your transformational business.

This includes summit recordings, an intensive growth program for those serious about growing their business, and a course for those just starting out.

Group Business Growth Intensive Program

You Are The Medicine Intensive is a live, deep dive 7-Week Group Business Coaching Program that teaches you a simple step-by-step process so you get clarity on your true path, know what to do first and next in your business, start getting in clients, and grow your business fast.

Why stay stuck and procrastinate any longer? Your medicine is what we need for these times.

A podcast exploring the integration of Psychedelics & Sacred Plant Medicines into transformational coaching or healing business.

Soul-Centered Businesses Love Beth

— Featured Program —

The True Path Entrepreneur

Group Business Coaching & Mastermind Program

See how I’ve helped psychedelic pioneers and spiritural entrepreneurs find true path success in their soul-centered business.