Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

Building a Thriving Psychedelic Business from the Ground Up (Part 1)

Doing work in the psychedelic space is very different from your typical therapy, healing or coaching businesses. Expansion in this field won’t always come from typical “marketing strategies”. This isn’t just another MLM peddling products or an influencer marketing an online course. The cultivation of genuine service and trust is essential as you work with Human Souls.

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Psychedelic-Assisted Soul Liberation Leadership Coaching

If you’ve “made it” in life, yet feel like there’s something missing but you’re not sure what it is and you’re curious to know if psychedelics could help you figure out your next steps and inspire you, then keep reading. When you feel stuck, you might look to psychedelics to get unstuck. But what starts to happen when the psychedelic experiences shake things up in unexpected ways? Read on:

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What is Psychedelic Leadership?

I believe that a new paradigm of leadership is here to stay. Here, we explore what leadership is in the psychedelic space and how psychedelic experiences can be integrated to offer new perspectives and solutions for today’s challenges and opportunities as entrepreneurs. We’ll discuss how facing your fears and managing your ego can enhance your leadership skills, and how focusing on a higher purpose can revolutionize your business strategies.

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Intentional Psychedelic Work for Business and Beyond

Are psychedelics only meant to be used for healing or expanding consciousness, or can they have a broader role that intersects with everyday life, including business and purpose? This exploration isn’t about money – it’s about intentional work with psychedelics and sacred medicines to create a bigger impact and make a difference in the world.

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Transmuting Limiting Beliefs for Psychedelic Leadership.

As a spiritual business coach, the most common issue among the people who come to my business coaching programs comes down to limiting beliefs. You may have stories you tell yourself that don’t serve you – they only serve your lower self. Learn how to start leading with confidence to be of more service: the journey to becoming a successful, empowered psychedelic leader starts from within.

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“…but it’s illegal?!” How to Bring Psychedelics Into Your Business Without Getting in Trouble

The psychedelic revolution is gaining momentum around the world. As the landscape of psychedelic use evolves, so will your questions about the legalities around the use of psychedelics in your work. In this article, we explore challenges and possibilities that lie ahead for transformational entrepreneurs looking to make an difference in the lives of others with the aide of psychedelics and plant medicines.
As a psychedelic business coach, I‘ve worked with coaches, healers and therapists who integrate psychedelics into their client work. A common concern I hear amongst my clients is around the legality and limitations in their psychedelic-related coaching or healing services.

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How to Become a Psychedelic Integration Coach

Join Beth Weinstein as she coaches her audience through exploring the Path of becoming a Psychedelic Integration Coach. Learn how to consider your qualifications, personal interests and passions, certification program and more. You’ll discover the many factors to consider as you start your business journey.

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How to Choose a Psychedelic Integration Coach or Psychedelic Facilitator Training Program

With the expanding field of Psychedelic Integration Coaching and Psychedelic-Assisted Healing, how can one determine the training program that aligns with them? Are there any alternative paths to consider? Beth Weinstein discusses the process of selecting a psychedelic training program, important factors to consider, and provides initial steps for embarking on a journey as a Psychedelic Integration Coach, healer, or guide within the psychedelic realm.

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