Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

How I Grew my Coaching Business by Not Working. At all. {And how you can too!}

Does it sometimes feel like there is NEVER a good time for you or your business? That you never have enough time? Do you say to yourself “I don’t have time for X… now is not a good time for Y… I want to do Z, but maybe later…” You see, time is your most valuable resource. And since the success of your business comes down to one thing — YOU! — so why wouldn’t you invest the time into YOU to create more success?

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4 Life and Business Lessons I Learned from Magic Psilocybin

Recently I was telling a client about some of my most simple yet profound realizations and lessons with sacred psychedelic plant medicines that have stuck with me for years, helping me in my business and my daily life. Many of these realizations came through one of my favorite teachers, 🍄 Sacred Psilocybin 🍄 . Some via large experiences, some very small…

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