4 Life and Business Lessons I Learned from Magic Psilocybin

The last few weeks I’ve taken some “downtime” to savor the last days of summer.

I went on a few camping trips in the mountains with my partner, spent time connecting with and harvesting the veggies and herbs in my garden, watched our bees race to collect pollen and make honey, and enjoy August hanging out in my hammock…

Especially since, right about now, I’d be hanging out in a hammock in the jungle on a Dieta in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the Ucayali region in Peru located hours away from any city, cell service or WiFi…

Alas, I don’t have to explain why I’m not there this year).

Regardless, every year, I always take time offline from my business to hit the “RESET” button.

I was speaking to one of my clients last week who recently did the same thing.

He moved out of his home, took a few weeks off, traveled to the southwest with friends, and took some time around the Lion’s Gate Portal to work with some psychedelic medicine.

(I always encourage my clients to take “resets” like thins… go on a retreat or to a transformational festival, or just go offline and be out in nature for a while!)

As he was recounting his experience, I could sense the shift in his energy, the inspiration coming from his heart, and his work being channeled through him with a depth I hadn’t seen before.

He told me about some specific “Ah HA!” moments and realizations in his journey that gave him the clarity and knowing that he needed to move forward in areas where he previously felt stuck.

He shared that those significant realizations now gave him a different perspective from which to approach his business (and life, really!)

I said to him “YEAHHH, that’s the whole point!”

I then recalled to him some of my most simple yet profound realizations and lessons with medicines that have stuck with me for years.

Many of these realizations came through one of my favorite teachers, :mushroom:  Sacred Psilocybin :mushroom:. Some via large experiences, some very small.

Here are my four most favorite “lessons” from Psilocybin that I shared with my client:

Connect to your breath – that’s all you need, it’s the true medicine.

See? So simple, there’s not much more to it. And of course I “knew” this already from +20 years of yoga, running and sports… but somehow having this one deep and profound experience helped me finally “get it” on a deeper level and embody this knowing about our breath as the medicine.

Now. All there is is now. 

(Maybe you’re thinking, “uh, this is what comes after +20 years of psychedelics?”)  I had taken a pretty high dose many years ago where I was determined to get the answer to “what happens after life? What is life’s meaning? Why do we live and die?”  Although I already knew we are eternal with souls that never die. For what seemed like hours, what came through was me repeatedly asking “Then what?” and repeatedly getting the answer “NOW”.  Through this experience, I reconfirmed (1) NOW is all that is real and (2) “Heaven on Earth” is NOW, and we choose to create it now (yes, even in 2020!)

Just BE. Be in your heart. Be what it is you want

Another time I had a powerful vision about what “alignment” really was all about.  It was a vision of me floating around in nothingness, in the eternal, infinite “space”.  I felt deep into my heart and realized I could create and have anything that my heart wanted…and the portal was through love, gratitude, the connection of the heart along with a total surrender and trust in Spirit. Divine Abundance is possible.


I have countless experiences with Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, Bufo and pretty much every medicine there is that taught me to surrender. To be honest, I personally believe learning to trust, surrender and sit in the center of the cyclone is one of the reasons these medicines have grown in popularity at this time!

As one of my teachers said a few years ago, “this (super strong) Ayahuasca is preparing us for these intense times…we must learn to sit with the discomfort, and navigate the coming transitions staying grounded and embodied”.  This is the real work… surrendering to what is. (This does not mean spiritual bypassing, by the way!)

Surrendering to What Is, especially now that we’re experiencing these discomforts and all the transitions of 2020.

All these simple lessons are also exactly how I approach business, and the foundation for every single thing I teach to my clients.

Yes, I teach marketing and effective ways to sell your offerings, but the marketing and sales won’t work if your mind is a mess and your heart is disconnected.

In order to create a successful purpose-based business that helps others, has impact and financial abundance, you must start with these basics:  calm your monkey-mind, stay present in the Now, BE (it’s be, do, and then have…), be in your heart, surrender to what is, sit in the discomfort.

These sacred teacher medicines have a lot of beautiful wisdom teach us about how we can live life in harmony with ourselves, each other, the Earth and our heart.  Especially during the times of today.

This is my prayer, at least!

Speaking of Psilocybin…..My friend Daniel Shankin of Tam Integration is hosting the Psilocybin Summit September 17-20, 2020!

And I’m a proud moderator for a discussion on Sept 20, 2020, as well as a community partner supporting this incredible event celebrating the myth, magic, culture, and science of the sacred :mushroom:  mushroom.

The Psilocybin Summit is a 4-day online summit hosting 40+ speakers from 7 countries in a series of conversations covering groundbreaking research, healing and spiritual growth.

You can register and get 10% off HERE using my coupon!

In this summit, participants will learn about:

→ Best practices, safe use, and managing worst case scenarios
→ Policy, reclassification for medical use, and decriminalization efforts.
→ Leading edge research on psilocybin and depression.
→ Cultivation.
→ Facilitating powerful experiences.
→ Creating ceremony.
→ Traditional culture, ritual, and practice of the Mazatec.

The potential for emotional healing and spiritual growth using psychedelics and Sacred Plant Medicines is enormous. Countless studies show huge benefits. Personal anecdotes reveal radically changed lives.

After being underground and “taboo” for so long, this ancient wisdom is *finally* becoming available to everyone.

Join us September 17-20. This summit has a really great lineup, and I’m so happy to be a part of this event honoring one of my favorite sacred magical mushroom teachers! :mushroom:

 – Beth Weinstein
