Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

Burning Man + Business

Burning Man represents the ultimate freedom in work and life that, in my opinion, all humans deserve. Burning Man represents life lived from the heart. Burning Man represents the fun and play that’s available to bring to our life and work. Freedom is our birthright. Doing work we love is our birthright. Fun, Play and living from the heart, I believe, is the purpose of being alive in itself.

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Why Trust is needed in your spiritual coaching business

Why Trust is needed in your spiritual coaching business

Do you know what it means to trust in Life? Trust that everything happens for a reason. Trust that Life wants the best for you. Trust that both the “good” and “bad” are here for your evolution. Trust that your journey is perfect. Trust that The Universe wants you to be happy, abundant, and have all your deepest desires manifest. I was recently put to the trust test…

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The Power of Purpose in Spiritual Entrepreneurship

With conscious and spiritual entrepreneurship, we’re working from a place of collaboration, not competition. People in the traditional business world are often conditioned to fight each other even though they are in the same space. The reason people are thriving in the startup world is because everyone is collaborating, and succeeding together.

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