Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

Entrepreneurship: A Psychedelic Journey

How is entrepreneurship similar to a psychedelic journey? How can we grow and build resilience as an entrepreneur through psychedelic healing work? In my experience, entrepreneurship is similar to an intense psychedelic journey that never seems to end. I want to share how you can use this metaphor to expand to the next level of your life and your business.

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Think Business Coaching is Expensive? Read This!

Sometimes I’m blown away about how easily love, abundance and joy have been flowing in, and how much I can actually handle all at once. (Yes of course I still have challenges and sh*t like anyone, but love, abundance, joy and success are more fun to focus attention on!)

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Give Zero F***s

You may or may not have taken a look at what I’m up to with my “Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Business & Purpose” free summits . 

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Coaching and Psychedelics - Psychedelic Integration Coaching and Psychedelic-Assisted Coaching

Coaching & Psychedelics: Psychedelic-Assisted Coaching & Integration Coaching

Psychedelics help heal depression, anxiety, PTSD, and trauma. And then there’s “well-functioning” people who have a desire to go deeper and expand. As psychedelic demand increases, we need skilled, trauma-informed facilitators holding space…but people also need help with INTEGRATION of the experiences. As psychedelic healing grows, so does the need for integration coaches, psychedelic-assisted coaches and healers, musicians, artists, somatic therapists and more.

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How to Avoid Overwhelm as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Join Beth Weinstein as she coaches her audience through How to Avoid Overwhelm as a Spiritual Entrepreneur. Trying to do too much at once in your spiritual business leads to major overwhelm and procrastination. Learn the fundamentals of how to focus on completing the ONE step you’re on before moving to the next one, otherwise you’ll find yourself stuck.

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