Using Masculine and Feminine Energies to Co-Create in Your Business

If you know me, you know I love talking about manifestation, energy, vibration, and similar “woo-woo” stuff in both business, and all areas of life.

But yesterday as I was on a call with a client (who’s manifesting like crayyy right now), we got to talking about the *balance* of the (Divine) Masculine and Feminine. Balance.

I was telling her about someone I spoke to on my Exploratory Call the other day who defines themselves as spiritual, like me.

She was a healer and coach, but was struggling to get her business off the ground to get more clients and support her lifestyle.

And here’s why:

Very often, spiritual entrepreneurs or healers or entrepreneurs on the medicine path  — especially newer or aspiring entrepreneurs — get caught up in too much of the “feminine” aspects of business, and avoid the “masculine” aspects altogether.

For example, you may…

❌ be afraid to get out of your comfort zone…

❌ procrastinating on taking new actions you’ve never done before…

❌ be busy taking more trainings or certifications, or trying to “heal yourself” first…

❌ spend lots of time posting on Instagram, or making a pretty website, but you have no audience, or a small, random audience.

❌ put time into intention setting, moon rituals, visualizations, etc…but avoid taking uncomfortable “earthly” actions.

❌ feel like you need to wait until you are “perfect”, or “know” how things will look…

❌ feel too afraid of what others will think, and get paralyzed.

And, sadly, on these calls with me, they say they feel stuck and frustrated after spending years trying to get more clients and make more money…

There are many people out there talking about “being in your pleasure” and “running a feminine business guided by pleasure”. Which I wholeheartedly believe in and have been teaching since day one! 😍

Yes, you have to align with your heart and desires (feminine)…

BUT, you ALSO need to be in action (masculine) and do what it takes to build a sustainable business.

This also means getting out of your comfort zone. 

Like this client below in my Group Coaching Mastermind Program who “manifested” a new 1-1 private client.

She followed the easy step-by-step plan I teach in the Group Coaching Programs, she took action, and did some things that felt super uncomfortable, of course. 

But she acted on the plan, while following her joy, and voila:

And then there was this client, who showed up for herself, despite her worries.  She stayed in action and kept up the momentum…

(To build her own business and quit working for others!)

It is important to remember is that true “CO-CREATION” takes *both* Masculine and Feminine energies.  Masculine + Feminine = Creation 💫

So… Even though the energies of the planet are rapidly shifting, and to me, “manifesting” has been much easier than ever… (which is so exciting!)

Yet… It still takes being in action and doing “work” to grow a business and bring in more clients.

– If you don’t know what to do first, how will you ever get started?  🤔

– If you don’t put yourself out there, how could people can find you…? 🤔

– If you’re not clear on what it is you are offering, how will someone buy your offer? 🤔

– If you don’t learn how properly to structure, price and package your business, how will you make enough money to have your business support you? 🤔

– If you don’t know who exactly you’re speaking to and how to clearly communicate the benefits of your work to them, why would anyone want to pay for your services?🤔

✅ It takes learning all the right step-by-step actions to take, and learn when to do them, so you’re not stuck trying to “wing it” all alone in your business.

✅ It takes support from a coach and like-minded community to break through your blocks to get more clarity and confidence, so you can get your gifts and services to the world in a bigger way.

✅ It takes knowing where to put your time and energy, and knowing the easiest, fastest strategies that get you new clients quickly…so you’re not wasting time with strategies that take years and years to pay off.

✅ Which is exactly what you learn in my Group Mastermind Business Coaching Program, so you get clarity, and a clear plan… and start “manifesting” in new clients!

What is it you want to co-create and manifest this year?

If you’re ready to create the fulfilling business you want and a life of freedom, let’s connect. Learn more about my True Path Entrepreneur Group Mastermind Program or 1-1 Spiritual Business Coaching Programs here.

Learn how to break through your blocks so you can start to creating the freedom-based business you want.  Together, we’ll make a personalized action plan for you to grow your business this year.

All you have to do is check out my spiritual business coaching programs here and if you’re interested in working together, we can get on a call and you can learn more.

