Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

Is This Time Trap Blocking Your Spiritual Business?

Do you have a service or product people want? 
Do you have a strategy to sell that service or product to people consistently? 
Do you want a business that gives you freedom to TRAVEL or live anywhere you want?
If you said “yes” to any of the questions above, and you’re ready to take action RIGHT NOW to get the business you want… 

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How Ho’oponopono & Forgiveness Leads to More Money

Ho’oponopono translates to “to make to right or correct”, and the mantra goes: “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.”

I guide conscious entrepreneurs to align with your deepest purpose, find true fulfillment, and impact the world while making money doing work you love, on your terms, from anywhere in the world… SO, what does forgiveness have to do with business and money?!

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Simple Secret to Change Your Life

The One Simple Secret to Change Your Life

Imagine reading your journal in 1 year, 5 years, 20 years…  Will you be happy with what you’ve created, or NOT done?  Do you want to feel self-acknowledgment and love towards yourself, or regret for staying stuck and not making changes?  You can change, you can create the life you want.  If you feel frustrated by life, or totally STUCK, then it is time to change.  In order to change, you must start with one simple step:  your desire to change.

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The Unconscious Blocks That Are Squashing Your Dreams

The unconscious stories your mind tells you every day….the unconscious stories that hold you back from living the good life. They’re the “invisible script” running in your head day in and day out… the invisible influences that you probably don’t even realize sabotage your inspiration, your energy, your fulfillment and your creativity.  Is this what you want? I didn’t think so. Read more…

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How To Get Clear on Your Spiritual Business Ideas

We always evolve and change. How would you know if the biz you started in 2014 led you, seemingly accidentally, to a totally different business in 2022 that you love more and makes you more money with less time?  You get my point.The thing is, this woman who said “I can’t decide what to do” to do has actually been thinking of doing X and Y (and Z) for a long, longgggg time. For years.

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Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose & Business free summit

You’re invited! Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose, & Business no-cost online event

In the Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose & Business free online summit, over 40 thought leaders, entrepreneurs, authors, transformational experts and healers working in fields of psychedelics, sacred earth and plant medicines, personal development, microdosing, shamanism, spirituality, health and wellness, psychotherapy, herbalism, breathwork, tantra, astrology, human design, music and visionary art will share their widsom on the potential of psychedelics for purpose, business, and transformation.

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Spiritual Money Lessons from My Lawn Guy

In most cases, your TIME is more valuable than your money. Which is why you actually SAVE money by hiring help with your business!. For example, when you work with a coach, you learn what you need to know so you can get more clients, start making consistent income, and quit wasting your time and money “winging it” all alone and trying the wrong strategies at the wrong time that don’t work.

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Spiritual Lessons From Death

Sometimes I’m blown away about how easily love, abundance and joy have been flowing in, and how much I can actually handle all at once. (Yes of course I still have challenges and sh*t like anyone, but love, abundance, joy and success are more fun to focus attention on!)

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Start Your New Coaching Business

3 Easy Steps to Start Your New Coaching or Healing Business

Everyone I know who’s followed these steps has had success in their coaching or healing business: 1. Get Clarity 2. Create a Program 3. Share your Program. But there’s a lot more to it. The people who have not had results didn’t show up consistently, and didn’t do the work. One client comes to mind: she had some shifts, but she wasn’t showing up, or getting out of her comfort zone, so she didn’t get very many results…

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laptop lifestyle coaching business

What it Takes to Truly Have A “Laptop Lifestyle” Coaching Business

When you make a commitment to invest into your coaching or healing business, to step into the unknown to share your gifts with the world, and to show the Universe that you’re ready to go for it, the energy and flow of your investment comes back to you. The Universe supports you even more when you show it what you’re willing to put on the line, that you’re ready to face your fears, to step into your power, and be in service to something greater than your scarce old self. 

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