Visions into Reality

Articles & Blog Posts

How to build a freedom-based business

How to build a freedom-based business

“Good things take time…but great things happen all at once.” You see, a freedom-based business doesn’t always come about gradually. You probably won’t have the income you want right away, or within the first few days or weeks. You’ll get it in “leaps and bounds.” Just as long as you take that one simple action, and you keep doing it. So how do you know WHAT action to take?

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Build Your Spiritual Coaching Business… One. Step. At. A. Time.

Good things DO take time. You have to WORK at them. Build the skills you need. This is how it works when you are starting out your new online coaching business. You may keep pushing, but the boulder barely seems to move at all. But you nudge it one inch. Then another inch… until suddenly… your business growth usually happens faster than you can imagine!

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Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines & Purpose Virtual Conference

There is a deep connection between Psychedelic and Sacred Medicine experiences and the true purpose of your soul…
…if you consciously integrate your experiences.

In this conference, you’ll hear their uncensored and unedited stories and insights from psychedelic experts, authors and visionaries… including how they’ve integrated the experiences into their calling and life’s purpose to create soul-aligned businesses, impact in the world and live a life that they love.

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Healing and Transformation through Entrepreneurship

Sometimes I’m blown away about how easily love, abundance and joy have been flowing in, and how much I can actually handle all at once. (Yes of course I still have challenges and sh*t like anyone, but love, abundance, joy and success are more fun to focus attention on!)

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How NOT to learn to grow your business

When I started my first of three businesses over 10 years ago, my business partner and I did pretty much everything all wrong – we made all the classic new entrepreneur mistakes of wasting our time/money on tasks that didn’t get us any traction, aka sales/money. When I started my next business a few years later, I was thankful I made all those rookie mistakes so I didn’t waste as much time and money as I had before, and things turned out wayyyy better.

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