Jules Hare: Metaphysical Play: Using Your Imagination & Intuition to Heal, Episode 115, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast 
Jules Hare is a playfully wise Intuitive Mentor and Embodied Leadership Coach. A natural born inner intimacy artist, Jules has an amazing ability to awaken you to your own inner gifts and unique abilities, by facilitating a new and powerful friendship between your mind and body! With over 30 years of experience as a Cranial Sacral Therapist, she’s spent over 30,000 hours mastering her unique craft. Making her a powerful catalyst to help you illuminate your way out of ‘stuck’, help you remember your divine purpose, and assist you to embody the soul mission you came here for.
Episode Highlights
- The role of mind-body integration in becoming an embodied leader
- The importance of nature as a mirror for self-awareness and wholeness
- Jules’ coaching program, which helps individuals align their physical and spiritual selves
- Helping people translate their bodywork into their heart and soul by creating containers for people to be reminded of what they truly need
- How deep listening and presence can help clients create long-lasting transformations
- How group work supports individual transformation
- The value of authenticity and how Jules’ own inner work contributes to her strength as a leader
- Accepting and acknowledging discomfort as a leader and entrepreneur
- Making a deep commitment to yourself and your business as an entrepreneur
- How in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Jules transitioned to virtual work, finding it in some ways superior to in-person sessions
- The notion that if we were more connected to our bodies as a society, we would treat the earth with more respect
Jules Hare’s Links & Resources
▶ Website: https://www.juleshare.ca/
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juleshareshares/
▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulesHareShares
▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jules-hare-5259a820
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