Jill Van Meter: Somatic Psychedelic Integration

Jill Van Meter: Somatic Psychedelic Integration: Episode 41, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast

Jill Van Me­ter is a Psy­chedelic So­mat­ic Ther­a­pist sup­port­ing peo­ple in con­nect­ing to and clear­ing past trau­mas and emo­tion­al wounds that are still be­ing held un­conscious­ly in the body and ner­vous sys­tem. By us­ing small amounts of le­gal psy­chedelics such as cannabis and ke­t­a­mine, Jill takes peo­ple on a so­mat­ic body jour­ney where the dif­fi­cul­ties, as well as the magic of be­ing a lim­it­less spir­it con­fined in the lim­i­ta­tions of a hu­man body, are ex­plored, re­vealed, and healed. Jill is also a li­censed acu­puncturist, Breath­work fa­cil­i­ta­tor, cer­ti­fied co-ac­tive coach and pas­sion­ate cow­girl who works with hors­es to help peo­ple heal.


In this episode, Jill Van Meter and Beth Weinstein speak about…

  • What it means to empower people in their healing journey rather than “fix” or “save” them
  • How Beth’s True Path Entrepreneur Group Mas­ter­mind Program helped Jill bring more clarity and cohesion to her offering, and be able to grow her business enough to quit her job
  • How to resource new ways of supporting oneself in the process of breaking negative patterns
  • Coming out of “the psychedelic closet”
  • The ups and downs of the journey into one’s own authenticity and authentic voice as a newer entrepreneur
  • Being held by a like-minded community in the Mastermind Group to come onto your “True Path” and become the most True version of yourself
  • When you start to shift your reality, everything in your reality starts to shift
  • Mi­cro­dos­ing cannabis or ke­t­a­mine for psychedelic-assisted therapy to sup­port a so­mat­ic healing process
  • Al­low­ing our­selves to ful­ly feel the dif­fi­cult emo­tions we’ve been un­conscious­ly hold­ing in the body
  • Ner­vous sys­tem reg­u­la­tion and learn­ing how not to dis­as­so­ci­ate

Links & Resources

Jill’s Website: htt­ps://jil­l­van­me­ter.com

Facebook: Fa­ce­bo­ok­.com/Jil­l­van­me­ter.3


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