James Fadiman: Psychedelic Pioneer, Episode 147, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast 
In this fascinating discussion about microdosing psychedelics, Beth Weinstein is joined by Dr. James Fadiman, a luminary in the field. The conversation explores Fadiman’s long-term involvement in the study of both high-dose and microdose psychedelic-assisted therapy and optimization beginning as far back as the 60’s, when he was also greatly influenced by his undergraduate professor and friend, Richard Alpert, AKA Ram Dass.
Fadiman shares his legendary ‘Fadiman Protocol’ for microdosing, a specific schedule for working with smaller, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics. He also discusses the potential of microdosing to help various mental and physical health conditions, improve individuals’ general well-being, and support achieving higher levels of both personal and professional growth and enhanced kindness and generosity in interactions with people and the natural world.
Fadiman also offers his views on the future of microdosing, the importance of genuine intention within the growing psychedelic industry, and potential societal changes on the horizon due to the increased popularity of microdosing.
Episode Highlights
▶ 00:05 Welcome
▶ 00:37 James Fadiman’s extensive background in the psychedelic study and research
▶ 02:29 The origin story of Fadiman’s personal psychedelic journey
▶ 04:37 Exploring the concept of microdosing
▶ 08:47 The many positive impacts of microdosing on daily life
▶ 13:25 Different microdosing protocols
▶ 17:52 The future of microdosing and its potential impact on humanity
▶ 23:55 The role of psychedelics in increasing societal environmental awareness
▶ 27:59 The impact of capitalism in the psychedelic space
▶ 30:54 The ethical use and propagation of psychedelics
▶ 36:37 Psychedelics and the law
▶ 39:28 Microdosing and anecdotal evidence of impacts on physical health
▶ 47:14 The future of microdosing research
James Fadimans’s Links & Resources
▶ Website: https://www.jamesfadiman.com/
▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/james.fadiman
▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jfadiman
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