You, Ayahuasca & the Kali Yuga

Beth Weinstein: You, Ayahuasca & the Kali Yuga, Episode 160, Medicine For These Times

Join Beth as she explores the concept of drinking Ayahuasca during the Kali Yuga, a turning of the ages according to ancient wisdom. As we approach the end of the Kali Yuga and move into a new cycle, many people are experiencing heightened emotions like pain, grief, sadness, and fear. Beth shares why it’s crucial for anyone called to the path of healing, facilitation, therapy, coaching, or psychedelic work to be doing the deep, uncomfortable, and hard work needed to support and better serve clients and the world on a deeper level.

Episode Highlights

▶ What the Kali Yuga is

▶ The ancient wisdom surrounding the cycles of the Kali Yuga

▶ Personal and collective transformations through psychedelics

▶ Ayahuasca’s role in transformation

▶ The importance of embracing the hard work

▶ The need for resilience and inner work to better serve others

Beth Weinstein’s Links & Resources

Free Training: “How to Bring Psychedelics Into a Business”:

Join Beth’s Business Coaching Mastermind Program:

▶ Beth’s other Business Coaching Programs:

▶ Beth’s Instagram:

▶ Beth’s Facebook: &

▶ Join Beth’s free Psychedelics Facebook Community:

▶ Various Psychedelic Training Programs and Resources:



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