Plant Dieta, Tarantulas, and the Peruvian Jungle: A Lesson in Purpose and Fear

Ayahuasca Plant Dieta, Tarantulas, and the Peruvian Jungle

I debated whether or not I should tell you about this or not. It’s vulnerable, but it’s important to me and I want to share why.

I am on my way to a Dieta in the Amazonian jungle in Peru – the breathing lungs of our earth – to have by far one of the scariest yet most incredible experiences I’ve ever had in my life.

Facing my biggest fears, overcoming challenges, and diving into all aspects of myself – including my shadow side – is why I’m going back to the jungle to diet the Master Teacher Plants once agin.

And to ask: Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing to live out my highest purpose?

I will spend 10 days in the jungle living in an open-air hut exposed to snakes, tarantulas, and other critters that scare the HELL out of me (well, I now know tarantulas are kinda cute and don’t move much).

I will face other “challenges” – nowhere to go, nothing to do, not much exercise, little interacting with others, 2 meals a day consisting of grains, plantain, fish or chicken (once a day) all made with no salt, no oil, no nothing. Nothing to drink besides water and teas made from healing plants.

The nearest community is over an hour away by boat, no planes ever fly above, and nights are so dark you actually feel blind. Night falls by 7pm when the jungle orchestra escalates – it’s ear-piercing calls are both beautiful and intimidating as you witness Gaia’s extreme power and diversity of her inhabitants.

I am truly blessed to retreat in such a gorgeous place few people ever get to see.

This is not the best time to go offline. But when EVER would it be??

(I have unlearned the old paradigm of “work”, and am still learning not to freak out too much when taking time off!)

And since I’m my own boss, I pick and chose when I “work”. Luckily, I LOVE my work and am totally aligned with what I do, so it never actually feels like work!

Time “off” is the real work you must do.

Work to quiet down to listen to messages from the universe … to gain deeper clarity … to come more into your true self … to hear how to best serve others and the planet … how to help humanity let go of the fear-based paradigms of work we were taught to believe, and step into the truth of living from love — that you are here to live out your highest purpose that lies deep within your heart.

In today’s fast-paced world of commerce, connectivity, currency, cars, and computers, not enough of us take quality time out to quiet down, go deep within, explore the mysterious universe inside us, and the universe that lies beyond us and our consciousness.

To take quality time to ask… Who am I? Why am I here? What is my contribution to this lifetime and beyond?

I share this because I truly believe your personal and spiritual growth is the key to ALL other growth in your life, including your work, business, financial growth and much more.

You only have one life.

Don’t wait to know yourself and go after what you really want. Isn’t it time for you to get past your fears to step into your true purpose, grow your business and have life you want?

In the meantime, keep asking yourself these important questions above. The inquiry doesn’t end… it just gets deeper, shedding layers upon layers to go further.

Sending you and the planet many prayers and blessings from the jungle!

This article was originally written in October, 2017.

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