The Best Investment to Make in your Coaching or Healing Business

Does it sometimes feel like there is NEVER a good time for you? Or you just never have enough time? You see, time is your most valuable resource. And since the success of your business comes down to one thing — YOU! — why wouldn’t you invest the time into YOU to create more success?

Can Psychedelics Heal the Mental Health Crisis and Help You Grow?

Beth Weinstein - Plant Spirit Summit - psychedelic spiritual business coach

A new paradigm of healing is emerging at the intersection of psychedelic medicine and ancestral shamanic healing… Psychedelic medicine has been pushed to the forefront as the new frontier in psychotherapy, a new solution to the global mental health crisis, and a tool for personal growth and development. Psychotherapists might say that its cause is […]

Want the Freedom of an Online Business? (Then read this!)

I used to think I had to work 24/7/365 in order to grow my business and make great money. I used to work all the freakin’ time! But I burnt myself out. And I was struggling to make money. I was not loving entrepreneurship. And I had NO freedom!!

(Does this sound familiar to you?)

How I Grew my Coaching Business by Not Working. At all. {And how you can too!}

Does it sometimes feel like there is NEVER a good time for you or your business? That you never have enough time? Do you say to yourself “I don’t have time for X… now is not a good time for Y… I want to do Z, but maybe later…” You see, time is your most valuable resource. And since the success of your business comes down to one thing — YOU! — so why wouldn’t you invest the time into YOU to create more success?