Charles Eisenstein: Psychedelics for a New Paradigm (Part 2)

Charles Eisenstein: Psychedelics for a New Paradigm (Part 2): Episode 44, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast

What are we truly here to do? How can we discover our role in a new and more beautiful story of our world and learn to inhabit it? Tune in to Part Two of Beth Weinstein’s conversation with Charles Eisenstein to get inspired about potential of psychedelics and plant medicines, the power we all have to choose where we want to go in our lives, and how we can hold that same possibility for others.  Charles Eisenstein is a thought leader, essayist, speaker, and author of several books, including The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible. If you haven’t seen it yet, also be sure to check out the short film,“A Gathering of the Tribe” with Charles Eisenstein, Jon Hopkins and Aubrey Marcus.

In this episode, Charles Eisenstein and Beth Weinstein speak about…

  • What to do if you feel we don’t have the power to make real change?
  • The heart as the “orienting” organ
  • What you can learn from indigenous ways of life
  • Stepping into the unknown and the path rising to meet us
  • The current model of economics as incompatible with the consciousness that is emerging
  • Gift economics and sacred economics 
  • The challenges of integrating psychedelic experiences, and how psychedelics can help us create a better world
  • What is the role of money and sacred reciprocity when it comes to psychedelics and sacred medicines
  • How we are living in “legacy” systems that aren’t serving 
  • The gift of being seen for who you truly are in your full authenticity
  • Why we need a psychedelic community
  • How you create community by caring about something together

Charles Eisenstein’s Links & Resources

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