Elizabeth Bast: Iboga: Approaching the Mt. Everest of Psychedelics, Episode 72, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast 
Elizabeth Bast is the author of Heart Medicine: A True Love Story–One Couple’s Quest for the Sacred Iboga Medicine & the Cure for Addiction. Bast now serves as an iboga provider within the Missoko Bwiti. Bast is a recipient of a Women of the Psychedelic Renaissance grant from the psychedelic feminist nonprofit organization Cosmic Sister and a member of Cosmic Sister’s Expert Advisory Circle. She studied at New College of San Francisco with an emphasis on Art and Social Change and completed the transformational coach training program with Being True to You. Elizabeth’s Bwiti name is Mbeye, which means that she carries the sacred qualities of the river. Plant medicines and traditional ceremonies have helped her with healing related to PTSD, childhood sexual assault, self love, forgiveness, and life-threatening eating disorders.
Together with her husband, visionary artist and Bwiti nganga (healer, seer) Chor Boogie aka Gnyangou, Bast traveled to Gabon multiple times where they experienced a Bwiti initiation, rite of passage, traditional wedding, and immersive iboga healer’s training. Originally from California, Bast is currently based in Costa Rica, and regularly offers iboga ceremony retreats with the SoulCentro team in a medically responsible way. Bast and Chor Boogie help to organize annual journeys to Gabon to bring people for initiation with their Bwiti elders.
In this episode, Elizabeth Bast and Beth Weinstein discuss…
- How iboga first communicated with Elizabeth, leading her and her husband, Chor, to seek treatment for his opiate addiction
- Chor and Elizabeth’s journey training to facilitate iboga
- Patrick and Michele Fishley, the co-founders of Soul Centro, who are both nurses with years of experience providing medical oversight for iboga and ibogaine treatments
- How real reciprocity is much more than writing a check – it’s mutual respect and understanding each other’s needs
- Chor and Elizabeth’s 16-month year old baby, Lightning, and the medicine he has brought into their lives
- The traditional Bwiti knowledge of trauma and approach to counseling
- How iboga lays out a “curriculum” for people and the importance of following the guidance the medicine delivers before expecting personal or professional fulfillment
- Addictions to destructive thought patterns and how iboga reveals them and their impact
- How iboga works differently than ayahuasca
- The “mind purge” that iboga catalyzes
- How personal healing with iboga can lead to planetary healing
- Right relationship regarding the supply and demand of the iboga root
- Cautions against buying iboga off the internet
- What happens when we treat medicine as a commodity
- Preparing for Iboga – “pretox” – for better long term outcomes
- Facing ourselves and the truth about how we have been living with the help of iboga
- Soul Centro’s long term vision for development
Elizabeth Bast’s Links & Resources
Website ▶: https://www.ebast.net
Website ▶: http://www.soulcentro.com
Iboga info/integration resources: https://www.ebast.net/iboga.html
Instagram ▶: https://www.instagram.com/enectarbast
Facebook ▶: https://www.facebook.com/enectarbast
Free Gift ▶: http://eepurl.com/cGE9jX
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