Merging Ketamine with Ancient Wisdom & Somatic Experiencing with Marisa Radha Weppner

Marisa Radha Weppner: Merging Ketamine with Ancient Wisdom & Somatic Experiencing, Episode 97, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast

Marisa Radha Weppner is a mom, author, DJ, teacher, minister, psychedelic therapist, community organizer, life coach, podcaster, and entrepreneur. She has taught yoga since 2002. Known for her authentic self-expression, humorous yet grounded, she empowers others to embody their soul’s wisdom, bringing a real-world mix of eastern spirituality and western psychology to her students for remembering, empowerment and transformation.

Her life is dedicated to the study of yoga, specializing in Yoga Psychology, Bhakti Yoga, Yoga History + Philosophy, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meditation and Self-Awakening Yoga. She can be found leading classes on Insight Timer or from her studio Source meditation | space in Boise, ID. She works as a Ketamine Assisted Therapist at the Boise Ketamine Clinic

Her online yoga classes and book “Vinyasa Yoga Made Simple: 27 days of Self Discovery” are available through You can listen to her meditation album “Guidance” on all streaming platforms, or tune into her podcast Love, Service, Wisdom. All of these offerings are inspired by her own growth and transformation and healing yoga and psychedelic, and shadow integration. 

As a lover of the wild and free, she has taught at festivals all over the world, like Burning Man, Bonnaroo, Ram Dass Retreats, the Entheowheel, Symbiosis Gathering, Eclipse Festival, WTF, Udaya Live, Wanderlust, the Women & Leadership Conference, and Sun Valley Wellness Fest. She humbly connects with a deep legacy of wisdom by being on Faculty at Esalen Institute. As a passion project that weaves together her love of music, yoga and community, she is the co-director and producer of Yogafort for Treefort Music Fest.

In this episode, Marisa Radha Weppner and Beth Weinstein discuss…

  • How Radha came to work with ketamine and lead group experiences
  • The Somatic Experiencing modality as an incredible resource for people coming to psychedelics for trauma healing
  • Why ketamine can be helpful for people who feel extremely stuck
  • Ketamine as a potential gateway into deeper spiritual work
  • The intense energetic and emotional demands of facilitating psychedelic work
  • The importance of maintaining impeccable presence while holding space for a psychedelic journey
  •  All about Journey Space, a global virtual ceremonial space 
  • The profound impact of music on psychedelic experiences

Marisa Radha Weppner’s Links & Resources

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Website ▶ :

Instagram ▶ :

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