Microdosing: A Realistic Viewpoint with Hein Pijnnaken, Founder of The Microdosing Institute

Hein Pijnnaken: Microdosing: A Realistic Viewpoint, Episode 162, Medicine For These Times

Hein Pijnnaken is the founder of Microdosing Institute and co-founder of the first European microdosing shop Microdose.nl. A Transformational Coach, NLP Master (advanced), and microdosing educator & coach. While growing up in the Netherlands—one of the most psychedelic-friendly countries in the world—he became familiar with psychedelics in his early college years and has used them as transformative tools ever since.

Today, he has over 32 years of experience guiding psychedelic sessions and has immersed himself—both theoretically and practically —in the topic of microdosing since 2016. He strongly believes microdosing is an incredible tool for self-development, especially in combination with effective coaching.

Episode Highlights

▶ Hein’s journey into the psychedelic space

▶ What it means to microdose

▶ The two ways that microdosing can impact your life

▶ The future of microdosing and integration

▶ How to get the most out of your microdosing experience

▶ Building a community and ethical business model in the microdosing space

▶ The impact microdosing has had on the world

▶ Current microdosing trends in the community

▶ The potential of microdosing in medical research

▶ The future of microdosing and opportunities for coaches

Hein Pijnnaken’s Links & Resources

▶ Website: https://microdosinginstitute.com/

▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/microdosinginstitute/

▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/microdosingnl

▶ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/microdosing-institute

▶ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MicrodosingInstitute

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