Katrina Michelle: The New Shamans: Bringing Sacred Ceremony to Psychotherapy, Episode 135, The Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast 
Dr. Katrina Michelle is a ceremonial psychotherapist specializing in spiritual emergence and psychedelic integration. She is the founder/director of The Curious Spirit, a New York-based psychotherapy practice, former director of harm reduction at MAPS, and former executive director of The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE). She lectures for the Integrative Psychiatry Institute and has taught at New York University Department of Applied Psychology, Columbia University Graduate School of Social Work, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Services, and The Institute for the Development of Human Arts.
Katrina is currently involved in conducting research exploring challenging psychedelic experiences with The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium and is working on producing When Lightning Strikes Film, elucidating the often ‘”un/sexy” side of spiritual awakening. Informed by her academic research and her own transcendent experiences, Katrina supports people in exploring, embracing, and integrating the multifaceted human experience. Katrina is passionate about supporting emerging healers and helping professionals to bring their gifts into the world in service of creating a culture that catalyzes and supports our highest human potential.
Episode Highlights
▶ Katrina’s journey into psychotherapy and the psychedelic space
▶ Katrina’s career evolution and current work
▶ The impact of psychedelics on Katrina’s work
▶ Katrina’s experience in business before and after Beth’s mastermind program
▶ Katrina’s current projects and future plans
▶ A discussion on spiritual emergence
▶ Katrina’s research and film project about the “unsexy” side of awakening
▶ The role of psychedelics and spiritual emergencies in society
▶ Katrina’s new training program
▶ The intersection of ceremony and psychotherapy
▶ The challenges and opportunities of being a licensed therapist in the psychedelic space
Katrina Michelle’s Links & Resources
▶ Website: http://www.thecuriousspirit.org, https://psychospiritualsafety.com, https://www.whenlightningstrikesfilm.com
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katrina_thecuriousspirit/
▶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealkatrinamichelle/
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