Jahan Khamsehzadeh, Ph.D.: The Psilocybin Connection & Transforming Consciousness

Beth Weinstein and Jahan Khamsehzadeh, Ph.D., discuss his new book, “The Psilocybin Connection: Psychedelics, the Transformation of Consciousness, and Evolution on the Planet – An Integral Approach”. Listen to an explanation of how psilocybin creates a highly neuroplastic, hyper-connected brain state and assists with healing feelings of disconnection, depression, separation, and more.

Beth Weinstein: Intentional Psychedelic Work for Business and Beyond

Beth shares about intentionally working with psychedelics to discover your soul’s purpose and receive aligned guidance and insights for your business. Are you curious when ideas come through your psychedelic experiences and wonder, “What would it be like to pursue this?” Learn how to bring psychedelic journey “downloads” into a daily intention and see how they unfold in your reality.

Azrya & Benjamin Bequer: Ayahuasca for BEQOMING

Join Beth for a deeply personal conversation with Azrya and Benjamin Bequer about the power of ayahuasca, psychedelic experiences, death portals, uncomfortable places, healing and growth. Listen to learn more about how their relationship shaped their book, BEQOMING and how the programs Benjamin and Azrya offer through their BEQOMING platform help you recondition your “operating system” and step into your life’s “blueprint”.

Chacruna’s Joseph Mays: Indigenous Reciprocity & Plant Medicine Conservation

Join Beth Weinstein and Joseph Mays MSc of Chacruna.net for a powerful discussion on sacred reciprocity in the psychedelic and plant medicine space. Learn about how Joseph’s studies in ethnobotany and permaculture led him to focus on reciprocity and plant medicine conservation, the importance of thinking relationally, and how sacred plant medicines can help us know the interconnectivity of all things.

Joël Brierre: 5-MeO-DMT, Bufo Alvarius and Integration

Join Beth Weinstein and Joël Brierre, founder of psychedelic wellness companies Kaivalya Kollectiv and Tandava Retreats. Through his study of yoga Joël recognized the same non-dual state can be catalyzed by a “full release dose” experience of 5-MeO-DMT. Learn about the 5-MeO-DMT platform Joël is creating, and how DMT and Bufo Alvarius toad medicine requires a more intensive integration process than any other psychedelic medicine.

Ifetayo Harvey: Drug Policy & The People of Color Psychedelic Collective

Ifetayo Harvey and Beth talk about systemic issues, accessibility, psychedelic equality and safety in the psychedelic space. Hear about race and inclusivity in the psychedelic arena, The People of Color Psychedelic Collective, underground psychedelic therapy, and psychedelic use vs. abuse.

Kat Gordon: Working with Plant Spirits for Reconnection

Kat Gordon and Beth Weinstein speak about how working with plant medicine is about much more than our personal transformation. Kat realized that to show up for the well-being of our communities and environment, we must first show up for ourselves, and that’s when Kat immersed herself into learning all about the plant “dieta”.

Beth Weinstein: What is Psychedelic Leadership?

What does psychedelic leadership entail? Join Beth Weinstein as she illuminates a new paradigm of leadership in the psychedelic space grounded in collaboration, generosity, and heart alignment and connection to something bigger than “you”: mission, why, and the vision you have for Planet Earth.

Charles Eisenstein: Psychedelics for a New Paradigm (Part 2)

Charles Eisenstein and Beth Weinstein speak about the role psychedelics could play in creating a new paradigm of life on Earth. How can you find your role in a new story of our world and live it? Tune into part 2 of a powerful interview with Charles Eisenstein so you can co-create The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible.