Category: Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines


Entrepreneurship: A Psychedelic Journey

How is entrepreneurship similar to a psychedelic journey? How can we grow and build resilience as an entrepreneur through psychedelic healing work? In my experience, entrepreneurship is similar to an intense psychedelic journey that never seems to end. I want to share how you can use this metaphor to expand to the next level of your life and your business.

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Coaching and Psychedelics - Psychedelic Integration Coaching and Psychedelic-Assisted Coaching
Business Growth

Coaching & Psychedelics: Psychedelic-Assisted Coaching & Integration Coaching

Psychedelics help heal depression, anxiety, PTSD, and trauma. And then there’s “well-functioning” people who have a desire to go deeper and expand. As psychedelic demand increases, we need skilled, trauma-informed facilitators holding space…but people also need help with INTEGRATION of the experiences. As psychedelic healing grows, so does the need for integration coaches, psychedelic-assisted coaches and healers, musicians, artists, somatic therapists and more.

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Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose & Business free summit
Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines

You’re invited! Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose, & Business no-cost online event

In the Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines, Purpose & Business free online summit, over 40 thought leaders, entrepreneurs, authors, transformational experts and healers working in fields of psychedelics, sacred earth and plant medicines, personal development, microdosing, shamanism, spirituality, health and wellness, psychotherapy, herbalism, breathwork, tantra, astrology, human design, music and visionary art will share their widsom on the potential of psychedelics for purpose, business, and transformation.

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Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines

4 Life and Business Lessons I Learned from Magic Psilocybin

Recently I was telling a client about some of my most simple yet profound realizations and lessons with sacred psychedelic plant medicines that have stuck with me for years, helping me in my business and my daily life. Many of these realizations came through one of my favorite teachers, 🍄 Sacred Psilocybin 🍄 . Some via large experiences, some very small…

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Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines

Psychedelics, Sacred Medicines & Purpose Virtual Conference

There is a deep connection between Psychedelic and Sacred Medicine experiences and the true purpose of your soul…
…if you consciously integrate your experiences.

In this conference, you’ll hear their uncensored and unedited stories and insights from psychedelic experts, authors and visionaries… including how they’ve integrated the experiences into their calling and life’s purpose to create soul-aligned businesses, impact in the world and live a life that they love.

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Business Growth

“The Big Leap” – Expansion is Real

Sometimes I’m blown away about how easily love, abundance and joy have been flowing in, and how much I can actually handle all at once. (Yes of course I still have challenges and sh*t like anyone, but love, abundance, joy and success are more fun to focus attention on!)

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